TE RARAWA MANAMOANAThere is a saying ‘he manu moana ngā whānau e noho mai i Taikarawa’ which literally means that the families who live at Taikarawa survive by living off the sea (like a sea bird, ‘he manu moana’). It metaphorically references how deeply integrated are the tangata whenua at Taikarawa (one of the settlements along Mitimiti beach) and the sea, and provides but one example of how attuned and connected Te Rarawa lives are to the sea.
The Te Rarawa environment itself – water and its associated fisheries feature in the life and geography of all Te Rarawa marae and hapū. The many coastal marae are historically part of the marine environment, dependent on the produce of the sea in economic, political and survival terms. Te Rarawa marae are variously situated next to one of the three Te Rarawa harbours, or along the long stretches of wild coastline, or close to the once remarkable and highly productive Tangonge Lake aand wetlands. Our Te Rarawa hapu marae communities are immersed in their local environment from their maunga to their moana. |
“To exercise Tino Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga within our Rohe Moana” Purpose To build and develop Te Rarawa Hapu ability and capacity to ensure the sustainable use and the protection of the Takutaimoana for both present and future generations. Objectives