The area known as the Te Warawara, currently managed by the Department of Conservation, is of the utmost historical and cultural significance to the hapū of Te Rarawa. It comprises all of the Kauae-o-Ruru-Wahine and Te Takanga blocks, and parts of Waihou Lower, Ōtangaroa, Ototope, Taikarawa, Whakarapa, Paihia, Rotokākahi and Waireia. The area was originally 18,270 acres. Te Rarawa hapū have never conceded their ownership of the resources on this whenua.Warawara Whenua Ngāhere i te Taiao is a cornerstone of Te Rarawa's Treaty Settlement package. It gives effect to a new relationship between Te Rarawa hapū and the Crown and provides for joint management and governance roles. It acknowledges the mana whenua of the kaitiaki hapū and creates a platform for hapū kaitiakitanga alongside Crown conservation. The Komiti Kaitiaki has been formed with representation from 10 Te Rarawa marae with an interest in the Warawara. The Komiti is currently working on the formation of a number of key environmental plans and initiatives. Structure of Komiti Kaitiaki
He rā nui
Komiti Kaitiaki meet with whanau and supporting organisations to discuss future environmental planning for the Warawara.